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What’s the best tooth-whitening procedure (at dentist)? | Dubai

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It really depends on your teeth and the desired results. There are many different types of whitening procedures depending on what area needs improvement. They range from in office treatments which can take as little as 15 minutes to home care treatments that can last for hours.

Here is a list of the most common procedures:

Bleaching gel

A gel that when applied to the teeth will whiten them. It should not be used every day as it can stain the teeth.

Tinted strips

Whitening strips that contain the bleaching agent.

Bleaching pastes

A paste that can be mixed with water and brushed onto the teeth.

Laser whitening

A laser beam is used to break up the stains in your teeth. There is no pain involved and it takes only 10 to 20 minutes.

In office whitening

This procedure usually involves the use of special light-emitting diode (LED) lights that activate the bleaching agent. The teeth will usually be protected by a protective gel. The most popular teeth whitening procedures are In office whitening and Laser whitening.

Teeth Whitening Strips, Gels, Toothpaste, Bleaching, and More

There are many different types of tooth whiteners, including whitener toothpastes, over the counter gels, rinsing solutions, strips, trays and whiteners you buy at a dental office. Teething whitening is ideal for individuals who have healthy, unrestrained tooth enamel (no fillers). People with yellowish tints to their tooth enamel respond best. However, this cosmetic treatment is not suggested for everybody.

Whitening Systems

You don't need to spend a fortune to get beautiful teeth. There are lots of products you can use to whiten your teeth: rinsing agents, gels, chewing gums, toothpastes, strips, and whitening trays. Talk to your dentist before trying whitenings at home. Especially if you have: Whitening products usually contain peroxides, which are bleaching agents. They range from 10 percent to 20 percent. You may be able to get away with using a lower level of hydrogen peroxide if you're not bothered by its taste. However, if you'd prefer a lighter shade of teeth, you might need to use a higher level. Your dentist can guide you through finding the right color for your smile.

Whitening toothpastes

Most toothpaste removes surface stains by means of its abrasive properties. Some whitening toothpaste contains gentle polishing or chemical agentsthat provide additional stain removal effectiveness at an added cost. Toothpaste contains ingredients that help clean the teeth without bleaching them. Over-the-counter and prescription strength whiteners usually use carbamide peroxides or hydrogen peroxides that lightens the color of the tooth enamel. Whiteners may be able to light up your teeth by one or two colors. However, they cannot light up the deeper layers of the tooth. In comparison, whiteners used by dentists can light up your teeth by 3 to 8 colors.

Over-the-counter whitening strips and gels

Whiten Your Teething Gums With These Simple Steps! Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth. To prevent tooth decay, we must remove these harmful bacteria from our mouths. One method used to do so is through the use of antibacterial products such as mouthwashes, rinses, and gums. However, if you're concerned about the effects of chemicals on your baby, then you should consider using natural remedies instead. Here are five simple steps to help you get started. Whiten Strips are very thin, nearly invisible strips that contain a peroxide-based gel. They should be used according to the instructions on their labels. You may see initial improvements within a week and full benefits after several weeks.

Whitening rinses

Among the newest whiteners available are whitener rinses. Like many mouthwash, they freshen breath, reduce dental plaque and gum diseases, but they also contain ingredients, such as hydrogen oxide in some, that whitens teeth. Manufacturers say that it may take 12 weeks for results. You just swishing them around in your mouth, for 60 seconds twice a daily before brushed your teeth. However, many experts say that rinsing may not be as effective than other over-the-counters whiteners. Because a whitener rinses is only in touch with the teeth for so short period of times--just 2 minute compare to 30 minute for many strips--it may have less of an effects. To give whitener mouthwases a boost, some consumers swished first and then brush their teeth with a whitener toothpastes. Be ready to spend about $5 per bottle.

Tray-based tooth whiteners

Tooth whiteners come in two forms: Over-the-counters (OTC) and professional trays. OTC tooth whiteners contain hydrogen peroxide bleaches that are applied directly into the mouth. Professional trays contain an exact mixture of chemicals designed specifically for teeth whiteness. Both types of products cost between $10-$60 depending on the brand and type of product.

Teeth Whitening Safety Tips

Follow the instructions carefully. Don't leave the strip or gel on for longer than the instructions say, or you could end up with sores in your mouth and set yourself up for future problems. Avoid drinking any acidic beverages (like soda) for several hours after you whitening. Protect sensitive skin. You may experience some sensitivity to the gel during the whitening process, but it should only last a short period of time. If you notice any discomfort, tell your doctor before continuing. Whiteners often contain ingredients that can irritate your skin, so make sure you're not allergic to them. Don't overdo things. How much whitening should I do? If you're following a product's instructions and getting a good result, a one-time treatment may be sufficient. Once your teeth achieve a desired color, you'll probably only require two treatments per year or so.

In-Office Whitening

In office bleaches provide the fastest way to brighten your smile. They work by applying a gel containing hydrogen peroxide to the surface of your tooth enamel. You may see immediate effects within minutes, but it takes multiple treatments to get the desired shade. To ensure optimal whiteness, make sure to schedule regular visits to your dentist. If you want to whiten your own tooth enamel, get a professional cleaning first, even if you plan to use at-homemade methods. You may need only a thorough cleaning for your tooth enamel to regain its shine. You may be asked by your dentist to bring in some photos of your teeth so he/she can see if there are any cavitations (cavity) or gum disease. If you have any issues, they'll want to treat them before you start whitening. Talk to your dentist about which over the-­‐­‐­­­­­­-­­­­­cough medicine to take and how much lightening he expects. Your teeth may darkens with age, and the degree of color change varies from one person to another.

For how long do whitening effects last?

It doesn't last forever. If you eat foods and drinks that cause tooth staining, the whiteness might start to fade within one month. Depending on the severity of tooth discoloration, the extent of staining, and which bleaching system was chosen, the color of the teeth may differ. Here are some ways to keep your mouth healthy:
  • Don't eat or drink things that can cause tooth stains. For example, avoid eating or drinking white wines, carbonated beverages (including soda), coffee, tea, berry fruits, and other strongly flavored items.
  • Wash the stain off right away using soap and water.
  • Good oral hygiene can help keep your smile healthy. Brushing your teeth twice a day helps clean them thoroughly and removes food particles stuck between your teeth. Flossing regularly also helps get rid of plaque build-up. Using an antiseptic mouth wash kills harmful germs before they can multiply. Whiten your teeth with a whitener paste once or twice weekly to make your teeth whiter. Regularly brushing and flossing will help maintain your oral health.
  • To keep your teeth healthy, eat plenty of high-fiber foods, including whole grains, nuts and beans. These foods are good sources of calcium, an important mineral that helps build strong bones and teeth.
  • Don't smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or chew tobacco. It will stain your mouth and cause cancer. And smoking even one cigarette can damage your heart.
  • Regular cleanings at your dentist’s will remove plaque, which will prevent staining from foods and drinks. A professional cleaning by your dental hygienist will remove any plaque and whiten your teeth.
  • Use a drinking sleeve. This will reduce your mouth's contact with staining liquids.
  • Whiten teeth using any of several methods (bleaching, light therapy, etc.) and then consider having them touched-ups regularly depending on the type of treatment used. If you're smoking or drinking coffee/tea/wine/beer frequently, you may want to get them done more than once per year.

At Home vs. Dental Office Supervised

DIY methods aren't the same thing as having your teeth whitened professionally. There are some key things you need to know before trying them yourself. Bleach agents vary widely in their strengths. Over-the-­counter (OTC) products typically use a low concentration of carbamid­e peroxydisodium, which has an equivalence ratio of about 10%, whereas professional dental treatments often use a stronger concentration of hydrogen peroxidase, which has an equivalency ratio of up to 30%. Mouthpiece trays - With dental-supervised at-homes bleaching gels, your dentists will create a custom-fitted mouthpiece that fits perfectly into your mouth. This custom-fitting ensures maximum exposure of the bleaching agent to your teeth and gum tissue. Your custom-fitted mouthpiece reduces the amount of bleach that contacts gum tissue. Over-the-counter whiteners also contain a mouthpiece, but they don't offer the precision needed for an individualized treatment plan. They may cause irritation of the gums and soft palate if the tray doesn't match your dental needs. When treated at our offices, we use a customized tray that fits your specific needs. You may want to consider additional protective steps for your dental procedures. For example, before going to the dental office, you might want to brush your teeth thoroughly, floss regularly, and rinse with mouthwash after eating or drinking anything acidic. Cost. Over-the- counter bleaching products are the cheapest options, with in-office treatments costing the most. Supervised vs. Unsupervised Process. First, your dentist may conduct an oral examination and review your medical history, which can help determine if whitening is an appropriate choice based on the type and severity of staining, and the number and placement of restorations. He/she can then better select the right whitening product to treat the specific type of stain. If you go to the store and buy an over-the-counter whitening product, you'll be responsible for making sure you follow the instructions carefully. You won't get professional help from the manufacturer if something goes wrong.

If you want to whiten your teeth, then yes,

If you want to whiten teeth, don't use these products if you're pregnant or nursing, have braces, have had orthodontic treatment, or Age and Pregnant Issues. In order to avoid bleaching your teeth, you should wait until after you've reached puberty (age 14) and stopped growing. You can do this by waiting until you're 18 before starting any whitenings. Also, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you shouldn't bleach your teeth. Doing so may harm the baby or mother. If you have sensitive teeth or gum disease, talk to your dentist before using a whitener. People who are allergic to peroxide shouldn't use a whitener. Gum diseases, stained enamels, cavities, and decayed root surfaces. Individuals suffering from gums with diseased tissues or enamels with stained surfaces are generally advised against undergoing a dental treatment. Teething treatments should be avoided if the patient has cavities. Bleaching products may also damage the sensitive areas inside the mouth. Whitenings cannot be performed on decayed root surfaces. Root surfaces do not have an enamelled surface. Fillings, crowning, and other restorative procedures. Tooth-coloured filling materials and resins used in dental restoratives (crowns, caps, veneers, adhesives, laminates, composites) do not bleach. Thus, applying a bleaching agent to teeth containing restoratives will produce uneven results, so that the teeth without restoratives look whiter than those with restoratives. Any bleaching treatment should be performed before placing any restoratives. If you have several restorations that will lead to uneven results, consider bonding, veneers or crowns instead of a tooth whitener. Talk to your dental professional about which treatment option is right for you. Unrealistic expectations. People who expect their teeth to bleach to blinding whiteness may be disappointed with their outcomes. Those who smoke should know that their results will be restricted unless they quit smoking, especially during the bleached process. To get close to the ideal color, aim for a slight whitening that matches the brightness of your eyeballs. Darkly stained teeth If teeth that have dark stains are better candidates for whitening, your dentist can help you choose which option is best for you.

Risks Associated With Whitening

The two side-effect that occur most frequently with teeth whiteners are a temporary increased in tooth-sensitivty and mild irritation of the gum tissue. Teeth-whitener can cause a slight pain in your teeth and gums if they're not fitted properly. These symptoms should go away after a couple of hours. However, if you experience any discomfort, stop using the product immediately and contact your dentist. If you do experience any kind of skin irritation, you can reduce or even eliminate it by:
  • For example, wearing the tray for two 30-minutes instead of two 60 minutes.
  • Don't brush your teeth for two to three days to let them get used to the new color.
  • If you're looking for ways to brighten up your smile, ask your dentist or pharma­cist for a high fluoride-contain­ing product, which can help re­mineralize your teeth. Appli­cate the fluoride prod­uct to the tray and use it before and after the whitening agent.
  • Toothpastewith potassium nitrate helps sooth the nerves of the mouth's sensitive tissue.

Whitening Product Safety

Only professional-grade whiteners that contain 10% carbamides peroxide and 35% hydroxyethylcellulose have the American Dental Associations seal of acceptance, which means they meet ADA guidelines for safety and efficacy. Professional consultation is essential for safely and effectively using any whitening product. Laser treatments are not approved by the American Dental Association (ADA). There are several whitenin toothpastes available in pharmacies that have been certified by the ADA (American Dental Association). You can find a list here: http://www.ada.org/about_ada/ad Not every manufacturer seeks the American Dental Association (ADA)'s Seal of Acceptance for their products. However, just because a particular item doesn't bear the seal doesn't necessarily imply that the item is unsafe or ineffective. They're not classified as "drug" products so they don't need to be approved by the FDA.

Choosing an Over-the-Counter Whitening Kit

You should always choose a kit that allows customization of the mouthpiece. A tray that comes with a standard mouthpiece is usually not as good as one that allows for customization.  

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