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SIT Tower - Suite 1513 - Dubai Silicon Oasis - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

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Restoring Oral Health and Wellness

Restorative Dentistry deals with the diagnosis & multidisciplinary treatment of diseases of the mouth, teeth and supporting structures. As it covers many dental specialties (Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Orthodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Pediatrics), restorative dentistry calld for cooperative work between your dentist and other medical specialists.

Bid “Goodbye” to Dental Anxiety

Some patients experience dental anxiety due to psychological (sights/sounds of needles/drills) and physiological (anxiety of bearing pain) reasons. While a gentle dentist can alleviate some of this anxiety, dental advances in the field of painless dentistry also help.

A Healthy, Beautiful Smile - Your Greatest Asset

Why suffer with stained, chipped, uneven, crooked, broken or missing teeth? Cosmetic dentistry - the ultimate blend of art & dental science - improves the aesthetic appearance of your mouth, teeth & smile. Besides aesthetics, we also consider your teeth’s functionality.

Reducing Costs, not Quality

Dubai is a preferred destination for dental tourism. At our clinic, our doctor can turn your dental wish list into reality, especially for implants and oral surgery, and that too at a substantially lower comparative cost and no compromise in treatment quality.