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Root Canals in Al Barsha, Dubai

If you’re experiencing severe dental pain or have been diagnosed with a dental infection, a root canal treatment may be necessary. At Solis Dental Clinic in Dubai, our experienced endodontists are dedicated to providing the highest quality root canal treatments for our patients.

Dr. Mahesh Kumar BDS, MDS
Specialist in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Dr. Shiv Prasad Sharma BDS, MDS, MSc (UK), MFDS RCSI
Specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Dr Rimpal Rao BDS, MDS
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist
Family Dentist
Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Dr Rayyan Bhalla DMD
Cosmetic Dentist, General Dentist
Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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What is a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure used to treat a single root of a tooth. The procedure involves removing the damaged pulp, which is the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. The pulp is then replaced with a precision post, and the tooth is typically restored with a dental crown.

Why is a Root Canal Treatment Necessary?

A root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected or inflamed. This can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as deep decay, trauma, or a cracked tooth. If left untreated, the infection can spread, causing more pain and potentially leading to the loss of the tooth.

Our Root Canal Treatment Procedure

At Solis Dental Clinic, our endodontists have extensive experience performing root canal treatments. We use the latest technology, including a global dental microscope, to ensure precision and accuracy during the procedure.

Our root canal treatment procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Examination: Our dentist will examine the tooth and surrounding area to determine if a root canal treatment is necessary.
  2. Numbing: The area around the affected tooth will be numbed with local anesthesia to ensure a painless procedure.
  3. Removal of Damaged Pulp: Our endodontist will remove the damaged pulp from the tooth’s root canal system.
  4. Replacement with Precision Post: The root canal will then be filled with a precision post.
  5. Dental Crown: Finally, the tooth will be restored with a dental crown, which will protect and strengthen the tooth.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatments at Solis Dental Clinic

  • Quality treatment with the use of the latest technology, including a global dental microscope
  • Saving patients from severe dental pain and preventing tooth loss
  • Personalized treatment plan with our experienced endodontists

Discount Code for Root Canal Treatments in Al Barsha

At Solis Dental Clinic, we are committed to providing affordable dental care for our patients. We offer a valid discount code for root canal treatments, making the procedure more accessible for our patients. Our discount code is available to code holders.

Contact Us for Root Canal Treatments in Al Barsha, Dubai

If you’re experiencing dental pain or think you may need a root canal treatment, contact Solis Dental Clinic today. Our experienced endodontists, Dr. Anisha and Dr. Mona, will provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Root canals in Al Barsha