Fact: Brushing immediately after eating acidic foods can actually harm your tooth enamel. It’s best to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before brushing.
Fact: Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing dental problems before they become more serious.
Fact: Flossing is just as important as brushing for removing plaque and food particles from between teeth and along the gumline.
Fact: Rinsing your mouth with water immediately after brushing can wash away the fluoride in toothpaste that helps to protect your teeth.
Fact: Brushing too hard can actually damage your tooth enamel and gums, and may not remove plaque effectively. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle circular motions.
Fact: Professional teeth whitening treatments performed by a dentist are safe and effective when done correctly.
Fact: While sugar can contribute to tooth decay, it’s actually the bacteria in dental plaque that produce acids that cause decay. Good oral hygiene is key to preventing decay.
Fact: Baby teeth play an important role in speech development, proper chewing and nutrition, and guiding the eruption of adult teeth.
Fact: Wisdom teeth do not always need to be removed if they’re not causing problems. Your dentist can help determine the best course of action based on your individual situation.
Fact: With modern dental techniques and anesthesia, most dental procedures are painless or only cause mild discomfort.